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Things of Brazil

Sad story of a TeacherPorto Alegre (RS), July 16, 2011Dear Juremir (MAIL THE PEOPLE / POA / RS)My name is Maurice Girardi. I am a physicist. In the morning I am deputy director in the State College Piratini in Porto Alegre, where at night I teach the discipline of physics for three years of high school. Well, look what happened to me: I am giving a lesson to a class of second year. 21/06/11 and was perhaps "the entrance of Winter", decided to go to the school one of those "students-tourist" who appears occasionally to "make a society." To review the known. Three times I had to ask permission to the girl in order to explain the content we approached.It seems they are doing us a favor by allowing a speech space. Behold, after repeated requests, as I was in the middle of an explanation that required close attention to all student's phone rings, interrupting an entire process of developing an idea and hindering the progress of the class. I changed the tone of the request and advised that girl, if her goal was not to study, then you look for another place to do a distance learning course or something, because here in this room were people who wanted to learn 'and that College is a place where one goes to study. So, the "student" wanted to argue, when I said I would not argue with her more.At this moment the bell rang and I went to exchange class. The girl decided to leave and went downstairs crying because he was reprimanded in front of colleagues. Home, his mother called the school and spoke with the deputy director of the night, reporting that he had known and influential in Porto Alegre that it would not stay that way. At no time tried to listen to my version or even to say, if so, that my position would have been wrong. Nor sought the School Board.What step taken by the mother? Civilian Police! ... That's right! ... I had to attend on 7/13/11, at 8. th (eighth police station in Porto Alegre) to provide clarification for having embarrassed ("?") a teenager (17 years), very little attended classes and when does is to harass, disrupt their classmates and teachers. ' How far have we come? That's a relief! ... I am 39 years old and decided to become a teacher because I always liked to teach, to see someone take ownership of knowledge and grow. But you must confess, is increasingly difficult.I honestly think it's a teacher that the state loses. I have other options on the market. In such situations, we see our weaknesses against the system. As a reader of your column, and knowing that abordas often issues related to education,'' I ask you earnestly, that you will devote a few lines about the violence that is perpetrated against teachers in this country.''It is crystal clear vision that this country:Ø DO NOT NEED TO TEACHERSØ DO NOT NEED EDUCATIONØ AFTER ALL, WHAT IS A COUNTRY OF THE WORLD 1 YOU ARE SO GOODSome current examples:· Ronaldinho: R $ 1,400,000.00 per month. Honoured by "Brazilian Academy of Letters" ... Neimar (Santos): R $ 3,000,000.00 currently janeiro/2012;· Tiririca: R $ 36,000.00 per mês.Membro the "Committee on Education and Culture of Congress" ...TRANSLATING: ONLY THE SALARY OF THE CLOWN, 30 TEACHERS PAY S. FOR THOSE WHO THINK EDUCATION IS NOT IMPORTANT: The sedge CONTRACT TO GIVE LESSONS TO HIS SON.An official of the company Sadia (nothing against) earns the same salary now an "ACT" or a beginning teacher, taking into account that, for work at the company you need to have only the fundamental, ie, how can we study, do post and master? National Level Teachers: R $ 1,187.00 ... Moral of the story: Teachers earn little, because "only serve to teach us useless things" as read, write, think, form productive citizens, etc.., Etc.., Etc.. ...

TIP: Changing the curriculum of schools, who would have the following matters:Ø Physical Education: Soccer;Ø Music: Sertaneja, Pagode, Axe;Ø History: Great Characters of the Brazilian Corruption; Biography Heroes of Big Brother; Evolution of Thought "Celebrities"Ø History of Art: From the Ronald Regan Carla Perez;Ø Math: Multiplication of the fraudulent campaign money;Ø Calculation: Percentage of Commissions and Fees;Ø and Portuguese Literature: "How to speak well and inveções and succeed!"Ø Biology, Physics and Chemistry: Deleted by excessive complexity. Is this good? ... I want more! ...THIS IS OUR BRAZIL ...

Look at the absurdity of wages in Rio de Janeiro(Which is not different from the rest of Brazil)Ø BOPE - R $ 2,260.00 ................... to ........ Risking life;Ø Fireman - R $ 960.00 ................. for ........ Save lives;Ø Teacher - R $ 728.00 ................. for ........ Prepare for life;Ø Medical - R $ 1,260.00 ................. for ........ Keep life; (yes 7 years studying to ___)

And Congressman? ..... R $ 26,700.00 (not including perks, bonuses, international travel, etc.., Etc.., Etc.. For PRIMING the lives of everyone, filling the pockets of money and still gratify his "sycophants" minions manobrinha known that the "outside vazenildo!").IMPORTANT:Take part in this "current patriotic" an instrument of awareness and awareness of our elected representatives to city councils, state assemblies and the National Congress, and especially to awaken that "sleeping selfish" the authorities that govern our wonderful country, because they are inert, comfortably seated in their "cute" seats of their luxury air-conditioned offices, not care for that Brazilian people. Wake Brasilia, Brazil agree! ...

Wake up people of Brazil.

                              "in Brazil is 30% GOVERNMENT TAX"

Source: Mara Lygia Lima Belém - Pará
& Camila


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